Jost Van Dyke Scuba offers daily dive trips in BVI leaving from Either Jost Van Dyke, or Sopers Hole, Tortola at 9am and 2pm. We also offer private dive charters for small and large groups, multi-day dive packages, and yacht rendezvous throughout the BVI to help you get the most out of your diving holiday. We are the only dive center located on Jost Van Dyke which allows us easy access to the more remote and less known (but no less spectacular!) dive sites of the BVI out-island territory. Our pick-ups from Tortola allow us the flexibility to also offer dive trips to all of the better known popular dive sites including Norman Island, Virgin Gorda, The Indians and throughout the BVI! A dive charter with JVD Scuba assures you an excellent and unique experience. If we can help just let us know how!
Press Release: JVD Scuba Opens Over 40 New Dive Sites
The World renowned “Dive Mecca” of the British Virgin Islands is pleased to acknowledge that the North-West out-island territory has finally been opened up for underwater exploration through Jost Van Dyke Scuba. This adventurous dive company has discovered and charted over 40 distinct dive sites that they keep secretly marked by buoys several feet under the surface. This assures that the sites are protected from spear fisherman, poachers, and other divers. Jost Van Dyke Scuba dive charters exciting offshore seamounts, pinnacles, canyons, walls and remote reefs that will make you keep coming back for more! Repeat divers to the BVI have an excellent reason to come back and see what they have been missing all these years! The ’Underwater Pioneers’ at Jost Van
Dyke Scuba are quickly becoming known as the “Out-Island BVI Scuba Specialists” and the only dive business servicing their exclusive territory: the NW British Virgin Islands. It can be stated confidently that they offer the most unique and exciting scuba diving charters in the BVI.
Jost Van Dyke… 100% Pure Caribbean
This year… Scuba somewhere different and exciting
Professionalism – Legendary Service – World Class Dive Sites – Lifetime Friends
We cater to your experience level. Most dive operators put limitations on their entire boat of divers, treating them as an aggregate group and don’t respect or cater to your individual level of experience. We take care of the logistics, while you enjoy our spectacular coral gardens and abundant marine life! Although we prefer to lead guided dives, qualified buddy teams and photographers are welcome to explore at their own pace. We respect experienced and advanced divers… many other dive operators often can place an experienced diver with a beginner in an larger group… putting time and depth limitations on you… However, this is not our style.
We offer you the choice of DIVING THE WAY YOU WANT, with maximum group sizes of 6 people, and with dive sites no the operators in the BVI use, you can be guaranteed a peaceful, relaxing dive without the worry of others, and being kicked in the head by a stray fin!
Ask us today about our affordable private dive boats, for that completely custom diving experience!
For beginner and intermediate divers, our experienced Instructor and Divemaster guides will be happy to buddy up with you to make your experience more comfortable and safe. Our staff gives thorough and in depth pre-dive briefings, sets up all of your equipment for your, changes tanks between dives, helps you feel comfortable with your equipment and questions, and assure that you dive at your experience level. They are there to make your dive safe and navigate you back to the boat, so you can just enjoy the scenery.
Our staff’s priority is to our customer’s comfort and safety. We choose to be wimps (warm, intelligent, mature, professionals). We will always do our best to give you an accurate accounting of the daily diving conditions prior to leaving the dock. Occasionally the wave heights become a bit more than some divers find enjoyable. In this event, customers will be given the option to cancel the days dive without charge or obligation. Our motto is “customer’s comfort and safety first“… and we want you to be happy!
We at Jost Van Dyke Scuba look forward to making your diving vacation a fun and memorable experience that offers you the best of the BVI underwater! We specifically cater to individuals and small groups who are looking for personal attention as well as diving freedom. “Cattle boats” are not something you will find here at Jost Van Dyke Scuba, where we have made our considerable reputation by offering the level of personalized service often lost in today’s “cut and paste” world… no overcrowding… we lead small groups on personalized scuba excursions. We commonly hear back from guests whom dived all over the BVI on their vacation, that we were the “most professional” and had the “highest standard of service“. Our personalized service is just one of the qualities that attracts new guests and retains our numerous friends who return year after year to dive with us. Our service has been called “legendary”!!! We take great pride in trying to achieve this “legendary service” on every dive excursion!